
Weight loss/Weight gain Clinic in Sinhagad Road Pune
Clinic Service
Diarrhea with the help of medicine is the act of defecation. Virechan Karma can be done in autumn (September, October, November). The same can be done anytime as required. Purification is a very sure cure for bile growing in October heat. Cholera may be caused mainly by sore throat, sour belching, heartburn, headache, burning sensation in the extremities, nausea, loss of appetite. Stomach upset is mainly due to indigestion, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, and defecation immediately after a meal. Liver disorders mainly include jaundice, gallstones, impaired blood flow to the liver, inability to produce adequate secretions for digestion, etc. It is especially useful in skin ailments like hives, runny nose, allergies, sunburn, pimples, psoriasis, herpes, eczema, etc. Suitable for paralysis, tremors, gout etc. Excessive body fat, shortness of breath due to being overweight, ascites etc. are useful in defecation. Hemorrhoids, dissections, fistulas, constipation are necessary karma. Infertility (mainly in male infertility) is effective for 100% increase in sperm count.