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The surest remedy for kaphadosha with the help of drugs is vomiting. Vomiting can be done anytime and in the spring (February, March, April) as required to stay healthy. Vomiting is very useful for chronic cold, dust allergy, pneumonia, whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis etc. It is a surefire remedy for hair loss, premature graying of hair, thinning of hair, etc. Vomiting is a sure remedy for watery eyes, yellowish dirt after waking up, itchy eyes, red eyes and fire. Vomiting is very beneficial for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol as well as inertia, lethargy, fatigue. Useful in skin disorders mainly psoriasis, eczema, white spots (cod), body rashes, persistent itching and discharge of limbs, skin burns etc. Vomiting is extremely beneficial for semen desorder in men & menstrual disorder in female by purification in fertility & fetal culture. PCOD is mainly associated with female infertility. Vomiting for PCOD, Irregular menstruation, Tubal block, Anovulatory / Cycle etc. is beneficial for normalizing hormone levels in female body. In male infertility, vomiting is very useful for low sperm count and low sperm motility (oligospermia / asthenospermin).

Heavy period’s treatment Clinic in sinhagad road pune

Menstrual bleeding and heavy periods have a variety of physiological and pathological causes. These menstruation difficulties are caused by a variety of causes, including hormone imbalance, mental health, food, and lifestyle.


Menstruation with excessive flow and duration that occurs at regular cycle intervals is known as menorrhagia.

Menorrhagia, also known as Asrigdara in Ayurveda, is the underlying condition that causes regular, correct menstrual cycles with exceptionally heavy bleeding that lasts longer than normal and eventually leads in fatigue and general debility. Women’s heavy bleeding has been known to be controlled by ayurvedic remedies like Ashokarishta, Shatavari churna, or Draksharishtam. These remedies have also been shown to boost women’s immunity and overall stamina.

Vata, raktadhatu, and pitta become vitiated as a result of an unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, which causes heavy flow, exhaustion, back pain, and other symptoms. The four varieties of asrigdara—vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, and sannipathaja—on the basis of which treatments can be used

The first line of treatment is stambhana (blocking therapy), followed by addressing the underlying cause.

Upachara Sheetala (cooling treatments & medicines)

• Sheetala annapana (cooling foods and beverages) is advised. The use of pitta-passifying medications with kashaya rasa (astringent taste) is indicated in order to stop the bleeding.

In addition to halting the bleeding, the medications and treatments also aim to balance the pitta dosha and rakta dhatu. The condition can be improved with therapy lasting two to three weeks and regular, ongoing medication delivery.

Virechanam, vasti, vaginal douches, vaginal tampoons (yoni pichu), and avagaham are a few examples of treatment procedures.

Are you suffering from Heavy period’s pain? Meet Dr. Prafulla Raut and Dr. Snehal Raut for heavy period’s treatment clinic in sinhagad road pune, they provide an ayurvedic treatment for gynecological problems.

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