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Snehana or oleation therapy is one of the most important therapies that prepares the bosy to recieve specialized panchakarma treatment. It involves the application of medicated oils, ghee & herbs to the body internally & externally for three to seven days. Snehana is crucial as it loosens amam or toxins & doshas in a body. Therapy facilitating their expulsion during panchakarma stage.
Bahya snehan & abhyantar snehan are the two primary types of snehan. During abhyantar snehan the patient is given special herbal preparations to ingest regularly. In bahya snehan medicated oil massages are given both aimed are at channelizing & collecting the toxins within the body.
Stomach pain in period’s treatment in sinhgad road pune
Many people find period cramps to be intolerable. For some women, they might be so bad that the pain they experience makes even ordinary tasks difficult. Lower abdominal pain is a common symptom of menstrual cramps, which are caused by contractions in the uterus or womb that shed the built-up lining. For those who experience it, life can be very challenging because the discomfort can radiate to the lower back, groyne, and upper thighs. Some women additionally report headaches, nausea, and vomiting in addition to the pain.
Make some lifestyle adjustments if you suffer from excruciating period pain so that you can feel better. According to Ayurveda, waking up with the sun or adhering to circadian rhythm might relieve pain brought on by monthly cycles.
“Get up early or with the Sun, have breakfast after daybreak, and eat dinner just before or shortly after nightfall. The balance of hormones is improved.” Another option for those experiencing menstruation pains is to give up caffeine and replace it with soaked nuts every morning.
Ayurvedic remedies to reduce Menstrual Pain
The changes in a woman’s body during menstruation are recognized by ayurveda (Rajaswala). During the menstrual cycle, several dos and don’ts are described. Light meals, avoiding sour and spicy foods, avoiding daytime sleep, and staying away from hard activities are some of these adjustments.
Ayurvedic treatment for menstruation health involves medication, treatment, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments.
Serious symptoms necessitate medical treatment and additional research. Ayurveda describes numerous medications that can lessen menstruation pain.
Ayurvedic Medicines
Sapthasaram Kashayam, Dhanwantharam Kashayam, etc. are examples of kashayam (decoctions). Dasamoolarishtam, Jeerakarishtam, Ashokarishtam, Kumaryasavam, etc. are examples of arishtams. Tablets called Gulika – Dhanwantharam Kwalika Choornam (Powders) Inguvachadi Choornam
Ayurvedic Treatment
Menstrual pain can be eased by massaging with medicinal oils like Dhanwantharam Tailam and Karpooradi Tailam.
Panchakarma treatments such as Vasthi (medicated enema), one of the panchakarma treatments, is also advantageous. (Medicated enemas) have additional advantages
Dr. Prafulla Raut and Dr. Snehal Raut provides a stomach pain period’s treatment in sinhagad road pune, they give most efficient treatment for period pain.