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Shirodhara is made up of two words Shiro (head), Dhara (flow) i.e., when a fluid is dropped on the forehead for some time without stopping in the form of a stream, it is called Shirodhara. Medicated oil, milk, or only medicated Buttermilk is used for Shirodhara according to the patient and the nature of the disease.

Pouring of warm oils used stimulates & sootres the hypothalamus, therapy regulating the function of the pituitary gland, inducing sleep. Shirodhara stimulates Marmasor Vital points in the head & improves circulation. The warm oil used for shirodhara also cause vasodilation of all the channels & therapy improves the blood circulation of the brain. Shirodhara also reduces the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline & noradrenaline & thus relaxes the mind.

It is useful in degenerative conditions of the brain. The medicated oil absorbed through the scalp stimulate hair follicals & hence shirodhara is an important therapy to treat hair problems.

Shirodhara is beneficial in problems like weak memory, facial paralysis, chronic headache, migraine, deep sleeplessness. It improves brain function and provides relief in dandruff, hair fall or early graying, infection of the scalp, etc. But do this procedure only after expert advice.

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