
What We Do
Clinic Service
Basti is the introduction of herbal decoction and medicated oils into the colon through the rectum. While it directly affects the colon, it is not a localized or symptomatic treatment it is a highly specialized procedure aimed to achived a therapeutic goal and most be carried out in hospital setting by an expect. Basti uses vata dosha’s natural movement to remove related toxin & waste materials from the system. In our clinical practice we have used Basti to treat the following conditions effectively. Chronic constipation, Low back pain, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Goat, Arthritis , Hemiplegia, Sarcoidosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, collagen Vascoalar Disease & Autonomic discovery it benefits Epilepsy, mental retardation & sensory dysfunction, Amenornria, Tubel blocks, Menorrhegia, Dysuria
Types of Basti Karma
There are mainly two types of Basti Karma. “We use infusions made with water or oil. Medicinal oil is used in the Asthapana Basti procedure while kashayam or medicinal extracts are used in the Anuvasana Basti,” these oils and infusions are used for the condition and the individual. are made according to their capacity.
PCOD/PCOS Ayurvedic treatment
What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? PCOS is a hormonal condition that affects women who are fertile. Excess amounts of androgen (male hormones) and irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles are two features that frequently characterise it. Your ovaries may form follicles, which are tiny collections of fluid, and they may stop releasing eggs on a regular basis if you have PCOS.
Heavy vaginal bleeding is one of the symptoms that PCOD-affected women experience. This is due to the fact that because they don’t ovulate, generate progesterone, or have regular periods like normal women do; the lining of their uteri thickens, causing severe bleeding and occasionally uterine cancer.
Ayurveda states that PCOD is brought on by an imbalance of either of the two doshas, Pitta (Fire) or Kapha (Water). Pitta that is exaggerated contaminates the dhatus, or tissues, including the blood and plasma. As a result, the body begins to accumulate ama or poisons.
These poisons build up in the mental channels of PCOS sufferers, which cause an imbalance in the hormones the pituitary gland secretes. As a result, there is an imbalance of female hormones, which leads to anovulatory periods, or periods without ovulation, and the development of ovarian cysts, which are simply collections of fluid inside the ovary.
At ShreeVishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, Dr. Prafulla Raut and Dr. Snehal Raut provide a PCOD/PCOS Ayurvedic treatment. They have wide years of experience in Ayurvedic filed.
What is the Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS/PCOD?
PCOS is typically treated using ayurvedic methods that combine herbs, treatments, and lifestyle modifications like diet.
Ashwagandha – The herb ashwagandha is also known as winter cherry or Indian ginseng. According to a 2016 Trusted Source research of 52 persons with chronic stress, it can help balance cortisol levels to reduce stress and PCOS symptoms.
Cinnamon –More than just flavouring for baked goods, cinnamon is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree. A tiny 2007 study found that it could have a favorable impact on PCOS insulin resistance measures. According to a 2014 study Trusted Source of 45 women, cinnamon may help control menstrual cycles in PCOS patients.
Turmeric- Turmeric, the main active component of turmeric, gives it its yellow color. Turmeric demonstrated promise as an anti-inflammatory compound and as a means to lessen insulin resistance in a 2017 study by Trusted Source on rats with PCOS-induced PCOS.